The Adventures of the Halstead Fam!


Well! Here we are! 5.5 months in. A lot has happened! We’ve been working together at the INN, living in our new house, and loving it all! It snowed about 3-4 inches on us here in Bellingham over the last 24 hours, which is exciting. You can see some of the snow in the picture… as well a glimpse at how bright it was today!

We’re still geocaching a lot and hit 300 finds a few days ago! Woo hoo! Still love it, and there’s still many more to find here in Bellingham and beyond. We’re starting to evaluate summer possibilities, but no matter where we are, I’m sure we’ll have some geocaching to do!

Our recent favorite geocaching variety is Bike Caching. Not sure if anyone else does it but us – but we got a cool bike mount for our GPS – and we’ve been on a few 5-15 mile bike rides over the last three weeks. It’s fun to set out for the day and see what we can find and where we can get via two wheeled transit. It’s good for us too!

Anyway – that’s about all for updates lately. Things are fast paced, busy, and fun. The work we’re both doing is meaningful and we can see the impact that it makes. Holidays coming up involve a cross-state Thanksgiving trek and a Christmas break time of relaxation. Ahhh, life is good!

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