These past couple of weeks have been really exciting. It all started when Stead did our taxes and discovered that we had over-estimated our withholdings. After discovering we would be getting some money back from the government we decided it was time to commit to our Summer 2014 dreams – we purchased our tickets to Europe! We will fly from Eugene to London and then home from Zurich after just over 2 weeks of exploring. Our current wish list is full of cities and site to explore. We’ve got some whittling down to do but we’ll get it there. If there is anyone who has any backpacking through Europe tips we’d love to hear them!
After purchasing our tickets Tim (Stead’s dad and the best father-in-law a girl could ask for) called to let us know that if we had any interest in the Seattle to Portland (STP) ride this summer we needed to get registered because the ride was filling up FAST. So we committed – we’ll be STPing in July!
There is a lot of anticipation in the Halstead home. We can’t wait for the rainy days of spring to come and go so our summer of adventure can begin. Though we have to admit, we are grateful for some time to get some longer bike rides in and learn as much as we can about the European rail system.