This morning we said goodbye to Switzerland and jumped on the first of three planes home. First from Zurich, Switzerland to Munich, Germany. Now we wait for our flight to San Francisco, CA. From there we will jump one last…
Waterfalls & Cliffs in the Alps
Yesterday we left our tent village to explore a few specials spots in the Alps that rise above the valley where Interlaken rests in Switzerland. First we hoped a bus, then a train. Then, we walked and walked and walked!…
Halstead’s Always Find Tents – Even Overseas
Tonight and tomorrow we are staying in one of the best places on our trip. As we enjoy the end of our trip, we will be crashing in a very comfortable tent in Balmer’s Tent Village in Interlaken, Switzerland. This…
Taking in Florence
We arrived in Florence, Italy after our day in Lucca. Our train came into town just before sunset so we walked along the road that runs besides the Arno River. This river divides old and new Florence and is the…
Swirving Through Rome
Leave it to Stead to find another way to explore Europe via bike. Today we ventured out on the cobblestone roads of Rome with Top Bike Tours (recommended by our favorite travel resource, Rick Steves). We started our adventure with…
Day 2 in Paris
Sarah already covered some of this, but the day after our bike tour was also great. We got a little bit of a late start, as we biked home and arrived at 1am from the previous day’s tour. We filled…
Pedaling in Paris
We had an awesome and adventurous time part pedaling bikes through the streets of Paris, France. Never did we step foot on a bus or into a taxi – the Velib (Paris’ public bike sharing system) was too fun and…
Paris Tomorrow
Off to Paris tomorrow! But not before I let Sarah brag: Short funny hostel story: I looked at so many for our journey that I’m having a hard time remembering what we booked. Here in London, we checked in and…
Currency exchange fun
Sarah is saying her goodbyes to family and I’m knee deep in paperwork. No worries though, we have two hours still until boarding. In our paperless trip and world, it’s starting to feel like I’m packing a small book with…
So much wait!
The best part about a flight at 2pm is that we arrive in London at 2pm the next day, which means no jet lagging through a long day. Also, we’ve had some time to run some errands, and we’re very…