Here we are! It’s the night before we head out. Elyse will be delivering us to the Eugene Airport tomorrow and we’ll travel to San Francisco. From there, we’re off to London! The tentative plan is then to be in…
The Revised Plan!
Some train schedules forced a minor change. Here’s the new route!,+UK/Paris,+France/Turin,+Italy/Rome,+Italy/Florence,+Italy/Lucca+LU,+Italy/Florence,+Italy/Milan,+Italy/Zurich,+Switzerland/@46.6060713,1.8464104,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m56!4m55!1m5!1m1!1s0x47d8a00baf21de75:0x52963a5addd52a99!2m2!1d-0.1254872!2d51.508515!1m5!1m1!1s0x47e66e1f06e2b70f:0x40b82c3688c9460!2m2!1d2.3522219!2d48.856614!1m5!1m1!1s0x47886d126418be25:0x8903f803d69c77bf!2m2!1d7.6868565!2d45.070312!1m5!1m1!1s0x132f6196f9928ebb:0xb90f770693656e38!2m2!1d12.4801802!2d41.8723889!1m5!1m1!1s0x132a56a680d2d6ad:0x93d57917efc72a03!2m2!1d11.2480006!2d43.7710332!1m5!1m1!1s0x12d5839a50ed08ef:0x792a2692654dd9e1!2m2!1d10.4950609!2d43.8376211!1m5!1m1!1s0x132a56a680d2d6ad:0x93d57917efc72a03!2m2!1d11.2480006!2d43.7710332!1m5!1m1!1s0x4786c1493f1275e7:0x3cffcd13c6740e8d!2m2!1d9.1859243!2d45.4654219!1m5!1m1!1s0x47900b9749bea219:0xe66e8df1e71fdc03!2m2!1d8.5391825!2d47.3686498!3e0
Getting so close!
Later today these bags will be filled… But hopefully not too filled!
The Plan!
Here’s our tenative European travel plan. We’ll be traveling by train, so the route isn’t exact. The Halstead’s reserve the right to add and drop cities as needed! Google Maps
This Guy.
The past couple of months have been busy, busy, busy! Â But, what else is new for the Halsteads? Â It seems as though we are always up to something and if I am not working on a project Stead is. Â We…
Adventure On the Horizon
These past couple of weeks have been really exciting. It all started when Stead did our taxes and discovered that we had over-estimated our withholdings. After discovering we would be getting some money back from the government we decided it…
Woo hoo! Number two. NCU is closed. Snow day!
Adventure Awaits
Tonight between getting home from work and our small group filling our living room we did something crazy – we took the first official step in planning and tackling a long awaited adventure. We will be spending the last 2…
Add Search to ChurchInfo
Alright, I’m not the greatest PHP artist, but here’s my favorite ChurchInfo improvement. Those who are better at coding, please feel free to comment on security and style. I don’t have a problem with the default search, but in the…
Spencer’s Butte
Stead and Jacob went up Spencer’s Butte! It was awesome, and all of Eugene knew it. There were at least 100 people at the top! [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_5177.JPG” ] [codepeople-post-map]