We’re both very lucky to have jobs that still follow the school schedule! Starting on Monday, I (Stead) will be done with INN activities for a two and a half weeks, and after Sunday, Sarah will have a short hiatus…
Well! Here we are! 5.5 months in. A lot has happened! We’ve been working together at the INN, living in our new house, and loving it all! It snowed about 3-4 inches on us here in Bellingham over the last…
The Two Have Become One!
Hello friends and family! We hope you all are well and enjoying the summer! It’s been almost two months since the wedding and a lot has happened up here in Bellingham for the newest edition of the Halsteads. Update #1:…
Welcome to the new home of halsteadfam.com. The wedding was great, and thanks again to everyone who helped us celebrate, either in person or through your thoughts and prayers. Please explore around, and hopefully we’ll be able to make a…