The Adventures of the Halstead Fam!

4 Months Old!

Samuel is officially 4 months into life and he is rocking it!  In addition to his new skill of rolling (still primarily to the left but the right has made it’s way into his daily entertainment set list), he is…

Chicken #1

1 chimney of used briquettes and new. Probably 75% used. Unfortunately, they’re all match light due to an unfortunate grocery store discount excitement. The goal is to cook 6.39# of boneless skinless chicken breasts. I rolled the chicken in some…

2 Month Stats

Samuel rocked his 2-month wellness check-up this morning!  He rung in at 9lb 9oz on the scale and measured 23.25″ long.  We are hoping to get some more weight on his bones but our doctor said the good news is…

3 Weeks As a Trio

The past 3 weeks have been a blur.  Our little Samuel is slowly but surely growing (8lbs 2oz & 22″ long as of his 3-week appointment this morning!)  and we are slowly but surely figuring out what it is to…