Our world changed completely at 11:53am Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 – our beautiful baby boy, Samuel James, was born!  Months of anticipation, excitement, dreaming, hoping, joking, sleepless nights filled with kicks from inside my belly, and praying for a safe labor…
39 Weeks & Waiting….
We are on the edge of the end of our pregnancy journey with Baby Halstead! Â Earlier this week our NCU coworkers & friends helped us to prepare and celebrate by throwing us an adorable adventure-based baby shower. Â There were treats…
Family, Friends, and Celebrating Baby Halstead
This weekend my mom and sister put together an adorable baby shower. Â My equally loving and wonderful mother-in-law and sister-in-law also came down to help and celebrate. Â Amongst the sunshine yellow and delicious food, family and friends gathered to share…
The List!
Well, here it is! https://babyli.st/sarah-halstead
End of Semester
We made it! The end of the Winter semester is marked with graduation and holidays. Graduation went very well this year, and we’ve done a good job of documenting our process to repeat the good parts in the spring! This…
30 Weeks & Counting
Today marks the day we enter the final stretch of our pregnancy. We are 30 weeks! That means only 10 or so until our little adventure buddy joins us. So exciting! Last weekend we attended a birthing class at the…
RIP Garmin VirtuaMaze
A little known treasure of our old Garmin eTrex Vista HCx GPS was VirtuaMaze, the amazing game that turned you into the game piece in a virtual maze. Using the GPS, you’d have to move yourself through the walls on…
Fall is here, summer has come and gone. Most importantly though, we’re having a baby! Around February or so. We’re excited. We also have a lot to do between now and then. Sarah feels good though and is doing great!
A little countdown…
Visit Carnival.com to see our Caribbean cruises.
Cold Car Camping
Last weekend we decided we needed to get out of town. Â So we packed up the car with the essentials for a car camping adventure and headed south to Rosenburg, then on to the North Umpqua Highway. Â Before venturing out…