One of the best things about living in Oregon is how easy it is to escape our normal schedules. We took advantage of that this weekend! After some pancakes on Saturday morning, we decided that we should camp at the…
Christmas is here!
Our postings have slowed down! Things haven’t though. We’ve had a pretty crazy 30 days together and at work. While I wish I could say that Christmas break meant slowing down, in IT you have to cram most big updates…
Fall Has Come & Gone
We had an amazing fall! Â After a summer of galavanting through Europe and riding our bikes longer and farther than we ever have before, we enjoyed a mellow but full fall. Â It is hard to see fall go away because…
Seattle to Portland!
This weekend we embark on a family tradition: The Group Health Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic! Sarah and I will be on the tandem for two days and 203 miles. We’re very excited! We’ll try to post some pictures along…
Helpful Apps
We took very little paper with us on the trip. Just our airline itineraries, and some address info for hostel reservations. This helped us travel light and easy. Here’s what we relied on: Dropbox: I saved every confirmation in a…
Waiting to Fly
This morning we said goodbye to Switzerland and jumped on the first of three planes home. First from Zurich, Switzerland to Munich, Germany. Now we wait for our flight to San Francisco, CA. From there we will jump one last…
Waterfalls & Cliffs in the Alps
Yesterday we left our tent village to explore a few specials spots in the Alps that rise above the valley where Interlaken rests in Switzerland. First we hoped a bus, then a train. Then, we walked and walked and walked!…
Travel Day!
We woke up in Florence this morning and made a quick walk commute to the train station. We went from Florence to Milan to Spiez to Interlaken. Since Interlaken wasn’t totally on our original trip plan, it was a fun…
Halstead’s Always Find Tents – Even Overseas
Tonight and tomorrow we are staying in one of the best places on our trip. As we enjoy the end of our trip, we will be crashing in a very comfortable tent in Balmer’s Tent Village in Interlaken, Switzerland. This…
A Uomo visits il Duomo
My catchphrase for the trip is that I’m just a uomo who loves a good duomo. Translated from Italian: I’m just a man who loves a good cathedral. Doesn’t have the same ring to it! Today we were able to…